
Showing posts with the label 11th Eng Ch-2 We Are Not Afraid... Annotations vocabulary

11th Eng.We Are Not Afraid To..... Annotations vocabulary

We Are Not Afraid to Die We Can All Be Together  by Gordon Cook and Alan East Characters 1-Narrator- Gordan Cook 2- Marry-  Narrator's wife 3-Suzanne- Narrator's daughter 7 years 4- Jon- Narrator's son 6 years 5-Larry Vigil- American sailor 6- Herb Seigler - Swiss sailor Annotations 1-Set sail- started journey by sea ( समुद्री यात्रा प्रारंभ की) 2-Duplicate- repeat/ copy‌ ( अनुसरण करना) 3-Voyage- sea journey  ( समुद्री यात्रा) 4-Honing- improving( सुधार करना) 5-seafaring- traveling by sea ( समुद्र में यात्रा करना) 6-Hull- lowerd part of the ship ( नाव का निचला हिस्सा) 7-Leg-stage/round ( चरण) 8-Crewmen- sailors/ seamen ( नाविक) 9-Tackle- handle ( निपटना) 10-Roughest-most stormy ( सबसे तूफानी) 11-Encounter- come across ( सामना करना) 12-Gale-violent winds ( तेज हवाएं) 13-Alarming-terrifying ( डरावनी) 14-Main mast- central long pole ( मस्तूल) 15-Despite-in spite ( के बावजूद) 16- Atrocious-violent ( क्रूर /निर्दई) 17-Reasoned-told ourselves ( अनुमान लगाया) 18- Gi...