
Showing posts with the label Central Idea

Class 10 Eng(First Flight ) P-11 Anne Gregory

Anne Gragory                 by William Butler Yeats         Theme of the Poem “ For Anne Gregory” Ans : The poem “For Anne Gregory” focuses on the idea of true love. Anne Gregory is a beautiful girl and everyone loves her for her beauty. However, Anne Gregory doesn't want this kind of love for herself. The poem expresses the speaker's adoration for Anne Gregory, and he explains to Anne, the difference between inner beauty and external beauty.    Central idea   “For Anne Gregory"?                              Ans. The central idea of the poem is that young people often love appearances and not the real person. Everyone wants that he or she should be loved for what he or she actually is, not how he or she looks. The poet feels that only God can love a person for what he/she actually is. The poet wants to convey the message that we should...

Class 10 Eng. First Flight P-10 The Tale Of The Custard The Dragon, Questions and answers

Ch-10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon by Ogden Nash Annotations: 1- Spikes - a pointed piece of metal/wood 2-Daggers- a small knife or sword 3-Chased- run after 4- Tickle - slightly tough to cause discomfort 5-Giggle- laugh lightly 6-Cutlas- a short sword 7-Snort- explosive sound 8-Grog- drink by sailor 9-Gobbled- eat noisily 10- Embrace - hug/ hold closely in one's arm 11- Mourned- feel sorry 12-Gyrate- move around/dance 13- Flustered- Make confused Theme The theme of the poem is that everyone has his own capabilities and should never be judged on the basis of his appearance . In the poem, Belinda and all pets she owns boast about their bravery.sometimes even a timid person comes out to be the actual hero in the most challenging situations that life throws at you just like Custard came out and saved everyone's lives and proved his bravery to all of them . Central Idea: Often we underestimate talented persons but they prove themselves by their wits and right actions. We should ...

X-Eng.A Tiger In The Zoo Brief Summary "First Flight" Q/A

A Tiger in The Zoo        Brief Summary   ‘This poem contrasts a tiger in the zoo with the tiger in its natural habitat. The poem moves from the zoo to the jungle, and back again to the zoo. The poem provides a contrast in the mood and environment of a tiger when he is in the zoo and a tiger when he is in the forest. In the zoo, he has no freedom. He is kept in a cemented cell behind the bars. He feels angry, frustrated and helpless. This reminds him of his natural habitat, his hiding and sliding in the long grass near the water hole and pouncing upon the fat deer, the way he terrorized the villagers, displaying his sharp teeth and claws.At night in the zoo he hears the sounds of patrolling cars. The tiger in the zoo appears helpless as to be a mere showpiece and source of entertainment to people. The poet wants to convey that it is cruel to keep wild animals in small enclosures of the zoo, away from their natural habitat. They feel angry, helples...