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Class Test 9th.Eng. Kathmandu,On Killing a Tree,No Men Are Foreign -25

Q1.Read the extract and answer the following questions  I indulge myself mindlessly, buy a bar of marzipan, a corn-on-the-cob roasted in a charcoal brazier on the pavement (rubbed with salt, chilli powder and lemon); a couple of love story comics, and even a Reader's Digest. All this I wash down with Coca Cola and a nauseating orange drink, and feel much the better for it. 4m (a) The author indulges himself by buying (i) a bar of marzipan (ii) a couple of love stories (iii) a Reader's Digest (iv) all of these (b) The author washes down the food with (c) He feels nauseating after having the orange drink. (True/False) (d) Find a word from the passage which means 'disgusting'. Q2. Q1.Read the extract and answer the following questions 4m It takes much time to kill a tree, Not a simple jab of the knife Will do it. It has grown Slowly consuming the earth, Rising out of it, feeding Upon its crust, absorbing Years of sunlight, air, water, And out of its leprous hide Sprouting ...