If I Were You Vocabulary, Questions and answers (9th Eng)
Ch-If I Were You Vocabulary 1-Lonely = solitary, अकेला ; 2-cottage = a small bungalow,छोटा बंगला ; 3-intruder = one who enters forcibly,घुसपैठिया ; 4-criminal =one who commits crime, अपराधी ; 5-bears = maintains, कायम रखना ; 6-resemblance = similarity,समानता ; 7-interior = inner part,आंतरिक भाग ; 8- entrance = door, दरवाज़ा ; 9-consisting = made, बना हुआ ; 10- divan = a kind of bed, दीवान ; 11-Rimmed = frame,फ्रेम वाला ; 12- lounge = sitting room,बैठक ; 13-cultured = refined,सुसंस्कृत; 14-count on = depend on, निर्भर होना ; 15-engaged = busy, व्यस्त ; 16 flashily = in a gaudy manner,तड़क –भड़क से ; 17-bumps = strikes, टकराना , 18- accidentally = by chance,संयोग से ; 19-put those paws up = raise your hands, हाथ ऊपर करो ; 20-Melodramatic = sensational,सनसनीखेज ; 21-nonchalant= careless manner,लापरवाह ; ; 22-crawl = creep, रेंगना I 23- motions = gestures, इशारे ; 24- sympathetic = kind, दयालु ; 25- gyp...