9th Eng Maria Sharapova P-II Vocabulary,Word Notes
Part-II Maria Sharapova ANNOTATIONS 1- Disarming : likeable, Charming आकर्षक 2-At odds with : in conflict with 3-Poised : calm, elegant 4-Pinnacle : the most successful point 5-Rapid: fast 6-Ascent : growth,climb 7-Endure: suffer patiently,bear 8-Heart - wrenching: extremely sad 9-Depress : sadden 10-Quitting : leaving 11-Pursue : follow 12-Bagging : winning 13-Meteoric : very rapid 14-Ambition : goal, aim 15-Amply: plentifully 16-Parades : displays, shows 17-Sophisticated : elegant, stylish 18-At odds with : in disagreement with 19-Fizzy : drink containing bubbles of gas 20-Pigeon-holed : classified, categorised 21-Unwavering : firm 22-summit - top 23-glamorous - attractive 24-attire - clothes 25-lifted -raised 26-rapid - fast 27-fiercely - greatly 28-launched -started 29-stardom -status of a star 30-latter -second of the two 31-compelled -forced 32-restrictions - limitations 33-excellence -the best...