
Showing posts with the label Question And answer -Set -1

12th Eng.Questions And answers Set-1

Question Bank Chapter Wise XII ENGLISH QUESTION BANK 2020-21 LAST LESSON BY ALPHONSE DOUDET 1- What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day? 2-What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day? 3- What had been put on the bulletin board? 4-How did Franz's feelings about M Hamel and school change? 5- Why do you think, little Franz was afraid of being scolded? 6-Who was Wachter? What did ask Franz and why? How did Franz react? 7-What tempted Franz to stay away from school? 8-Why had the villagers come to school that day? How did they look? 9-How did M Hamel pay tribute to the Last Lesson? 10- What impression do you form of M Hamel on the basis of your study The Last Lesson? 11-How is the title the last lesson relevant to the story?  12-Why does Franz think of bunking off the class? 13-What changes did the order from Berlin cause in the school that day?  14-Why are Franz apprehensive on seeing the crowd around the bulletin board? 15-W...