9th-Eng. The Lost Child.. Class Test -25M (Moments) NCERT BASED
Class Test Ch-1 The Lost Child..Mulk Raj Anand MM- 25 Time Zero Period Class 9th Sub- English Class Test (Moments) Q1. Read the extract and answer the following questions He hurried towards his parents, his feet obedient to their call, his eyes still lingering on the receding toys. As he came to where they had stopped to wait for him, he could not suppress the desire of his heart, even though he well knew the old, cold stare of refusal in their eyes. (a) 'He' refers to….. (b) The desire of his heart was to…… (c) He knew that his parents wouldn't buy him anything. (True/False) (d) Find a word from the passage which means 'denial. (i) Obedient (ii) Lingering (iii) Desire (iv) Refusal B.Come, child, come!" they called to the child, who had now gone running in wild capers round the banyan tree, and gathering him up they took the narrow, winding footpath which led to the fair through the mus...