9th Eng Ch-4 A Truly Beautiful Mind, Vocabulary/ Annotations NCERT Based
Ch-4 A Truly Beautiful Mind A Truly Beautiful Mind ANNOTATIONS 1-Albert Einstein = A renowned physicist, known for his theory of relativity ( अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन). 2- Indication = symptom, sign (संकेत) . 3- Destined = predetermined or fated ( निर्धारित किया हुआ). 3- Contrary = opposite in nature ( विपरीत). 4-Freak = Odds or abnormal (असाधारण). 5-Uttered = spoke out, expressed verbally ( उच्चारण किया). 6-Playmates = children with whom one plays ( साथी). 7-Reigns- governs शासन 8- Youngster = a young person or child (युवक) . 8-Historian = person who studies history (इतिहासकार) . ...