9th Eng Ch-4 A Truly Beautiful Mind, Vocabulary/ Annotations NCERT Based

Ch-4 A Truly Beautiful Mind 


A Truly Beautiful Mind  


1-Albert Einstein= A renowned physicist, known for his theory of relativity (अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन).                  

  2- Indication = symptom, sign (संकेत). 3-Destined = predetermined or fated (निर्धारित किया हुआ).

3- Contrary = opposite in nature (विपरीत). 

4-Freak= Odds or abnormal (असाधारण).               

5-Uttered = spoke out, expressed verbally (उच्चारण किया).    

  6-Playmates = children with whom one plays (साथी). 

7-Reigns- governs शासन

 8-Youngster = a young person or child (युवक).                    

    8-Historian = person who studies history (इतिहासकार).                       

9- Legend = a traditional story (किंवदंति).

10-Late talker = someone who begins speaking after the typical age (देर से बोलने वाला). 

11-Relieved = feeling reassured or relaxed (आराम महसूस करना).

12-Mechanical toys = devices with moving parts, gadgets (यांत्रिक खिलौने). 

13-Profession = career, business (व्यवसाय). 

13- Violin = stringed instrument, fiddle (वायलिन). 

14-Amateur = doing something for personal enjoyment, non-professional (नौसिखिया).

15-Pupil = student, learner (छात्र).

16-Munich = German city, Bavarian capital (म्युनिख).

17- Regimentation = discipline, strict control (अनुशासन)

18-Clashed = got in dispute, conflicted (उलझ पड़ना). 

19-Stifled = suffocated, suppressed (दम घुटना). 

20-Milan = Italian city, Lombardy capital (मिलान)

21-Prolonged = detailed/lengthy, extended (विस्तृत)

22-Liberal = that understands other opinions, open-minded (उदार).

23-Gifted = special quality, talented (विशेष प्रतिभा वाला). 

24- Physics = science of matter, study of energy (भौतिक विज्ञान). 

25-Zurich = Swiss city, financial hub (ज़्यूरिख). 

26-Appealed = pleased, attracted (प्रसन्न करना). 

27-Dashing = sprinted, spirited (उत्साहित). 

28-Walrus moustache = thick whiskers, broad facial hair (वालरस मूंछ).

29-Special interest = , particular attention (विशेष रुचि).

 30- Serb = citizen of Serbia, native (सर्विया की नागरिक). 

31-Ally = an associate, partner (साथी)

32-Philistines = ignorant, those indifferent to culture (कला विरोधी लोग).

33-Constantly = continuously, perpetually (निरंतर). 

34-Odds = differences,  (विचित्र/बेमेल).

35-Affection = love, fondness (प्यार).

36-Tenderness = softness,  (कोमलता)

37-Relativity = theory about interrelation, connectivity theory (सापेक्षता)

38- Unemployed = without a job, jobless (बेरोजगार).  

39- Patent = a document giving rights, license (अधिकार पत्र).

40-Assessing = evaluating, judging (मूल्यांकन करना). 

41-Absolute = definitive, not relative (स्वच्छंद).

 42- Bureau - writing desk

43-Mass = matter, substance (द्रव्यमान).

44- Energy = power, force (ऊर्जा).  

45- Victorious = triumphant, successful (विजयी). 

46-Technical expert = specialized professional, skilled technician (तकनीकी विशेषज्ञ). 

47-Inventions = creations, innovations (आविष्कार).

48-Theoretical physics = study of fundamental forces and principles,  (सैद्धांतिक भौतिक विज्ञान). 

49-Missive = a letter, written message (पत्र)

50-United Nations = international organization, global association (संयुक्त राष्ट्र). 

51- Impact = influence, effect (प्रभाव).

52-Involved = engaged, participated (शामिल हो गया). 

52-Agitating = campaigning,  (आंदोलन करना). 

53-Arms buildup = accumulation of weapons,  (हथियारों का संचय).

54-Popularity = renown (लोकप्रियता). 

55-Democracy = government by the people, representative government (लोकतंत्र)

56-Visionary = forward-thinking person, dreamer (दूरदर्शी)

57- Electrodynamics- a field of science 

58-Entire Cosmos - complete world 

59-Vacuum- a space entirely, devoid of matter 

60- Unraveling - starting to fail

61- Faltering - failing

62-Coincided- occurred at the same time 

63- Deflected - change direction 

Ch-4 A Truly Beautiful Mind 

Questions and answers 




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