
Showing posts with the label Determiners

Class 5th to 12th Eng Basic Grammar Finite and Non-Finite, Preposition, Determiners

Finite and non- finite verbs VERB-क्रिया A word or group of words that is used to indicate that something happens or exists.or An action verb describs what someone or something is doing. , for example bring, happen, go,read, be, do क्रिया (ऐसा शब्‍द या वाक्‍यांश जो किसी घटना के घटने या किसी वस्‍तु के अस्तित्व में होने का अर्थ दे, जैसे ‘bring’, ‘happen’, ‘be’, go,read,‘do’ आदि क्रिया हैl Verbs can be divided into two groups finite verbs and non-finite verbs FINITE VERBS-  A verb which changes its form depending on the number and person of the subject and the tense of the verb is called a finite verb .   जिन verbs में subject के Number Personएवं  tense के अनुसार परिवर्तन होता है finite verbs कहलाती है। Example  1-She watches TV in the evening 2-I watched cartoon last evening 3-You are watching TV 2-NON -FINITE VERBS- A verb which does not change its form depending on the number and person of the subject and the tense of the verb is called non finite verb .जिन ve...