
Showing posts with the label My Mother At Sixty SiX 12th Eng Question And Answer/Vocabulary/Poetic devices

My Mother At Sixty SiX 12th Eng Question And Answer/Vocabulary/Poetic devices

Poem-1 My Mother At Sixty Six by Kamla Das Annotations   Q1. What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feels? Ans. When the poet sees the pale and corpse-like face of her mother, her old familiar pain or the ache returns. Ageing is a natural process.The lifeless and faded face of the poet’s mother pains her heart. She looks lifeless like a corpse.Poet is having fear of losing her mother. Q2. Why are the young trees described as ‘sprinting’? Ans.The poet is driving to the Cochin airport. When she looks outside, the young trees seem to be walking past them. With the speed of the car they seem to be running fast or sprinting. The poet presents a contrast—her ‘dozing’ old mother and the ‘sprinting’ young trees. Q3. Why has the poet brought in the image of the merry children ‘spilling out of their homes’ ? Ans: The poet has brought in the image of merry children ‘spilling out of their homes’ to present a contrast. The merry children coming out of their homes in large numbers pr...