
Showing posts with the label Class 10. Eng.Ch-1 Triumph Of Surgery Question answer Theme Message Characters explanation

Class 10 Eng.Ch-1 Triumph Of Surgery Question answer Theme Message Characters explanation

Ch-1 A Triumph of Surgery by James Herriot          Message "A Triumph of Surgery" teaches us that determination, hard work, and perseverance can help us overcome obstacles and achieve success in life . It also highlights the need for gender equality and breaking down societal barriers Title Of Story   The title of the story "The Triumph of Surgery" is appropriate because the dog was cured without the dose of medicines . Mr Herriot changed the dog from a lazy, inactive, bloated sausage into a fit and active dog. 'A Triumph fo Surgery' is a powerful example of importance of saying.   Theme The theme of the story is about the blind love which we possess for the one whom we love the most . Mrs. Pumphrey had no idea that her blind and extreme love for her dog Tricki took him to trouble. Question and answer   Q1. Why is Mrs. Pumphrey worried about Tricki?   Ans. Mrs. Pumphrey is worried about Tricki because he is unwell. To her, Tri...