
Showing posts with the label A Roadside Stand 12th Eng Question And Answer

A Roadside Stand 12th Eng Question And Answer, Vocabulary, Poetic devices

Poem-5  A ROADSIDE STAND by Robert Frost      Annotations 1- Shed = small building, storage (गोदाम), 2- Sped- went with full speed ( तेज़ी से 3- Pathetically - pitiably - दयालुता 4-Dole- small charitable gift/ alms ( हिस्सा ), 5- Pled =  requested ( अपील की)  6- Polished traffic- rich people in cars धनी लोग 7- Marred- spoiled - ( बिगाड़ा हुआ) 8- Quarts- containers- टोकरी 9- Crooked neck- bent neck- टेढ़ी गर्दन 10- Squash- a kind of gourd- कद्दू 11- Mean - miserly- कंजूस 12- Crossly- angrily- गुस्से में 13- Expand- spread- विस्तार 14- Kin- relatives सगे संबंधी 15- Warts = growths, bumps (मस्से) 16-  Gathered- assembled- इकट्ठा करना 17- Beneficent - generous- दयालुता 18- Beast - animals- जानवर 19- Enforce - compel/ imposing (लागू करना), 20- Calculated - planned- योजना बद्ध 21- Soothe - comfort- (शांत करना), 22- Longing - desire-इ च्छा जाहिर करना 23- Lurks- lies hidden- दुबकना 24- Squeal- cry- आवाज 25- Plow up- turn over- मोड़ना 26- Requisite - des...