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The Interview Question Answer

Ch-7 The Interview by Christopher Silvester     Textual Question answer Q1. What are some of the positive views on interviews? Answer Over the  last 130 years, the interview has become a commonplace of journalism. It is a useful means of communication.It is  an art, that brings out truth . Denis Brian has stated that in today's world we get to know "our contemporaries through their interviews. Q2 Why do most celebrity writers despise being interviewed? Answer Celebrity writers believe that interviews unwanted interfere in their private lives. They regard themselves as victims of interviews. They claim that the interview in some way diminishes them, just like some ancient cultures believed that a portrait of a person takes away his soul. Certain celebrities like V.S Naipaul have claimed that interviews leave them wounded, while others like Rudyard Kipling have referred to it as a crime and an immoral act. Q3. What is the belief in some primitive cultures about being ...