The Beggar Vocabulary Question And answer
Ch-The Beggar 1-Lodging = accommodation, stay (ठहरने की जगह), 2. Intrigues = plots, schemes (साजिशें), 3.Calumny = slander, defamation (झूठा आरोप), 3. Mendicant = beggar, pauper (भिक्षुक), 4.Overshoes = shoe covers, galoshes (जूतों के ऊपर पहनने वाला आवरण), 5.Expelled = ousted, removed (निकाल दिया गया), 6.Mumbled = murmured, whispered (मुँह में गुनगुनाया), 7.Flushed = reddened, blushed (लाल हो जाना), 8. Advocate = lawyer, attorney (वकील), 9.Suppliant = pleader (याचक), 10. Ragged = tattered, worn-out (फटे हुए), 11.Province = region, territory (प्रदेश), 12.Ashamed = embarrassed, guilty (शरमिंदा), 13. Lying = untruthful, deceitful (झूठ बोलना), 14. Disgust = revulsion, aversion (घृणा) 15. Swindling = cheating, fraud (धोखा), 16.Fiction = made-up, falsehood (कल्पना), 17.Choir = singing group, (गायन दल), 18.Drunkenness = intoxication (नशा), 19.Chop = cut, hew (काटना), 20.Scarecrow = thin, ragged person (भूसा डराने वाला पुतला), 21.Perplexity = conf...