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Class 10 Eng. NCERT CBSE Bholi Question and answer Theme, summary, character

Ch -9 Bholi by K.A.Abba               Message - The message we get from the chapter 'Bholi' is that we should be educated to grow wiser and become self-confident as education is the third  eye a man.  We should learn to face all the problems of life with courage and confidence. The chapter Bholi  teaches us that we should not discriminate a person on the basis of his appearance and disabilities. Rather than encouraging and motivating to overcome their weaknesses . Summary   This story is about a girl, Bholi, whose real name was Sulekha. She suffered from some brain-damage and thus used to stammer. Moreover, she suffered from the disease of small-pox which left pock-marks on her face. This made her look ugly. Thus, due to her dullness and ugly face, people made fun of her. Also, people called her Bholi as she remained a backward child. Ramlal had seven children- three sons and four daughters. Bholi was the youngest of all daughter...