
Showing posts with the label 9th Eng NCERT A House Is Not A Home Moments Annotations

9th Eng NCERT A House Is Not A Home Moments Annotations, Words Meanings

A House is Not A Home - Zan Gaudioso   VOCABULARY/ Words Meanings  1-reflects - Shows दर्शाता 2-teenager - Age of 13-19 3-overcome - Win over जीतना 4-awkward - Odd अजीब 5-isolated - Alone अलग 6-probably - Possibly शायद 7-psychology - Working on mind मनोविज्ञान 8-nonetheless - in spite of that बहरहाल 9-tabby – with Brownish fur and dark stripes धारीदार भूरी बिल्ली 10-swatting - Striking मुंहतोड़ प्रहार मारना 11-stoking - add fuel to fire आग भड़काना 12-pouring - coming डालने का कार्य 13-seams -small openings छिद्र 14-groping - Finding तलाशने 15-engulfed - swept over घिरा हुआ 16-crazed state - out of control उन्मत्त अवस्था 17-grasp -hold पकड़ 18-yelling -crying चिल्लाना 19-wrapped -put around लपेटा हुआ 20-emerged -came out आया   21-in tow - going with someone पीछे - पीछे 22-vanished -disappeared गायब   23-inhaled -breathed in सांस  24-dazed -shocked घबड़ाया हुआ 25-struck -came to mind  26-broke down in tears -started weeping रोने लगी 27-casualty -victim दुर्घ...