9th Eng NCERT A House Is Not A Home Moments Annotations, Words Meanings

A House is Not A Home - Zan Gaudioso 

VOCABULARY/ Words Meanings 

1-reflects- Shows दर्शाता

2-teenager- Age of 13-19

3-overcome- Win over जीतना

4-awkward- Odd अजीब

5-isolated- Alone अलग

6-probably- Possibly शायद

7-psychology- Working on mind मनोविज्ञान

8-nonetheless- in spite of that बहरहाल

9-tabby– with Brownish fur and dark stripes धारीदार भूरी बिल्ली

10-swatting- Striking मुंहतोड़ प्रहार मारना

11-stoking- add fuel to fire आग भड़काना

12-pouring- coming डालने का कार्य

13-seams-small openings छिद्र

14-groping- Finding तलाशने

15-engulfed- swept over घिरा हुआ

16-crazed state- out of control उन्मत्त अवस्था

17-grasp-hold पकड़


19-wrapped-put around लपेटा हुआ

20-emerged-came out आया 

21-in tow- going with someone पीछे - पीछे

22-vanished-disappeared गायब 

23-inhaled-breathed in सांस 

24-dazed-shocked घबड़ाया हुआ

25-struck-came to mind 

26-broke down in tears-started weeping रोने लगी


28-outcast-a person who has been rejected by societyजाति से निकाला हुआ

29-geek-unfashionable personअजीब व्यक्तित्व वाला व्यक्ति. 

30-zombie-a person who has no energy and does not notice what is happening नीरस व्यक्ति

31-surreal-unreal अवास्तविक

32-ripped away-taken away forcefully

33-heroically-with bravery बहादुर के साथ

34-ached-pained दर्द

35-grieve-mourn दुखी होना 

36-rubble-remains अवशेष

37-debris-remains of something destroyed कूड़ा

38-vulnerable-that is easily affected कमजोर

39-tag-follow अनुसरण

40-crawl-drag रेगना

41-plight-condition दुर्दशा

42-milling-moving घूमना 

43-shove-push धक्का देना

44-overcome- affected by feelings विजय प्राप्त

45-outpouring-outburst of strong emotion

46-instant-at moment तुरंत

47-breathed a sigh of relief-felt relief

राहत की सांस लेना

48-leapt-jumped कूदना

49-grabbed-caught पकड़ा

50-apparently- seemingly 

51-freaked-Shocked and scared

52-sorely-greatly महानता

53-overwhelming-very strong

54-diminish-reduce कम करना

55-gratitude-thankfulness एहसानमंद


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