12th Eng- On The Face Of It vocabulary/ Glossary Flamingo
Ch-5 On The Face Of It Annotations/ Vocabulary 1-Startled = surprised (चौंका हुआ), 2-Windfalls = due to wind fallen fruits (हवा से अचानक गिरे फल ), 3-Trip = stumble, falter (ठोकर लगना ), 4-Birdsong = chirping, (पक्षियों की चहचहाहट), 5-Rustling = soft sound, (सरसराहट), 6-Tentatively = hesitantly, (संकोच से), 7-Screen = barrier, (अवरोध), 8- Panic = sudden fear, (आकस्मिक डर), 9-Climbed = ascend, (चढ़ना), 10-Watching = looking at (देख रहा है), 11-Scrump = steal fruit, pilfer ( चोरी करना), 12- Withdrawn - not wanting to talk बात न करना 13- Defiant- disobey बात ना मानना 14-Terrible = dreadful ( भयानक), 15- Ladder = steps, climb tool (सीढ़ी), 16-Ripe = mature, ready (पके), 17- Burned = scorched (जला हुआ), 18- Rubbish = garbage (कचरा), 19-Weeds = undesirables (अवांछित पौधे) , 20-Herbs = plants, botan...