
Showing posts with the label Questions and answers

11th Eng Hornbill Ch-1 The Portrait Of A LADY, Summary, Questions and answers

A Portrait of a Lady by Khushwant Singh                 INTRODUCTION. The Portrait of a Lady describes a special bond between grandmother and grandson. Khushwant Singh narrates how the relationship develops over the years, and changes as the grandson grows up and the grandmother grows older. Solitude and silence fill the grandmother's days as she distances herself from the real world.. It also shows how love and emotion is experienced not only by human beings but animals and birds too. Solitude- एकांत Bond-प्यार का बंधन Narrates- वर्णन करना Summary   Khushwant Singh is one of the eminent Indian writers .The Portrait of a Lady describes a special bond between grandmother and grandson . Khushwant Singh narrates how the relationship develops over the years, and changes as the grandson grows up and the grandmother grows older. She is a saintly woman, quite religious and kind. This characteristics can be observe...

Class 11th Eng.Snapshot Ch-1 The Summer Of The Beautiful White Horse, Annotations, Questions and answers, Theme Message CBSE based

Ch-1 Snapshot  The Summer Of A Beautiful White Horse by William Saroyan Annotations   1-Crazy- mad,not sensible सनकी 2-Tapping- striking खटखटाना 3-Longing- a strong urge ईच्छा 4-Hallmarks- unique features गुण 5-Comical- funny मजाक जैसी 6-Consequently- as a result of परिणाम स्वरूप 7-Stared- looked at देखा 8-Pious- holy पवित्र 9-Streak- natural inclination/ trace सनक 10-Descendants- being an heir वंशज 11-Enormous- very big बहुत बड़ा 12-Trot- slow movement of Horse दौडना 13-Furious- very angry गुस्सैल 14-Capricious- whimsical मनमौजी 15-Hind legs - rear legs पिछले टांगों पर 16-Got off- get down नीचे उतरना 17-Dawned on- realized महसूस करना 18-Barn- a place for storing grains खलिहान 19-Assyrian-native of Syria सीरिया का निवासी 20-Stalked out - move out in anger‌ गुस्से में आकर 21-Patted- stroked gently थपथपाई 22-Robin- a small Bird चिड़िया 23-Nevertheless- in Spite of के वावजूद 24-Vagrant- tramp / Wandering- आवारा/मौजी 25-Snorted- neigh हिनहिनाना 26-Reared- move back पीछे हटना 27-Oa...

Class 12.Eng.Core Vistas Ch-1 The Third Level Annotations, Vocabulary, Questions and answers, Characters,Theme

Ch-1 The Third Level   by Jack Finney                ANNOTATIONS/ Vocabulary 1-Swear- take oath शपथ 2-Stack- pile   3-Obvious- apparent   स्पष्ट 4-Psychiatrist- mental disease expert मनोचिकित्सक 5-Waking dream- day dream जागते हुए सपने लेना 6-Insecurity- lack of protection असुरक्षा 7-Wander- move here and there इधर-उधर घूमना 8-Refuge- shelter शरण लेना 9-Block- one solid piece ठोस टुकड़ा 10-Uptown- residential area दूर स्थित क्षेत्र 11-Subway- underground way भूमिगत रेल व्यवस्था 12-Tan- yellowish brown हल्का पीला ब्राउन 13-Gabardine- a kind of cloth एक प्रकार का कपड़ा 14-Ducked- dived नीचे जाना 15-Arched- curved ऊपर से ढका हुआ क्षेत्र 16-Bumping into- coming across unexpectedly  17-Lobby- waiting hall प्रतिक्षालय 18-Angling- turning   कोण बना कर घूमती हुई 19-Slanting- sloping ढलान 20-Booth- stall दुकान 21-Flickering - waving टिमटिमाना 22-Spittoon- a vessel to spit into पीकदान 23-Glint- flash चमक 24-Vest- ...

Class 9th Eng (Beehive) Poem-1 By Robert Frost, A Brief Summary,Stanza paraphrase,Theme, Questions and answers

Poem -1 The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost       About Poet - Robert Frost (March 26, 1874- January 29, 1963) was an American poet. He depicted the rustic life realistically He was known for his command on colloquial speech. He explored the rural setting of New England for examining deeper issues of philosophy and life values. His first published poem "My Butterfly" appeared on November 8, 1894 in the New York newspaper- The Independent. Ezra Pound, a British poet, helped Frost to promote and publish his work. His famous poems are After Apple Picking, Mending Wall, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, A Servant to Servants, etc. For his outstanding services to literature, he was honoured with Pulitzer Award for poetry and Congressional Gold Medal. A Brief Note Of The  Poem While travelling through a forest on an autumn day, the poet reached a point where the path diverged into two roads. He could not travel both the roads at the same time. He stood there fo...