11th Eng.Ch-5 MOTHER'S DAY by J.B.Priestly Vocabulary Annotations NCERT BASED
Ch-5 Mother's Day by J.B. Priestly Annotations 1- Humorous-interesting- हास्यास्पद 2- Portrayal- dipiction, description चित्रांकन 3- Suburb - outlying lacalties उपनगर 4- Semi detached-not totally cut offs थोड़ा सा अलग है 5-Villa-;house घर 6- Assumed- supposed मान लीजिए 7- Settee- a long seat with a back सोफा 8- Sinister- evil बुराई 9- Flurried- nervous बेचैन 10- Cockney- the language of working class in London लंदन की देसी भाषा 11- Obliged- thankful शुक्रगुजार 12- Make up your mind- decide निश्चय किया 13- Put your foot down- be firm दबदबा बनाना 14- Apologetically- humbly विनम्रता पूर्वक 15- Dubiously- not very sure संदेह 16- Have it out- settle once for all हमेशा 17- Flustered- confused भ्रमित 18- Resent- dislike नापसंद करना 19-Bewildered- confused भौचक्का होना 20- Gimme- give me मुझे दो 21-Assume - accept स्वीकार करना 22- Grasping- holding पकड़े हुए 23- Go lax- loose ठीला करना 24- Dominating- lording over प्रभुत्व जमाना 25- Puffing-smoking धूम्रपान करना 26- Contented...