
Showing posts with the label Rearrange/ Jumble the following Words onto meaningful sentences

Rearrange/ Jumble the following Words onto meaningful sentences

Exercise -1 Q. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences: (1) Ramesh/the park/a boy/met/one day/in (2) was/old/young boy/seven years/the/only (3) asked/the nearest/he/bookstore/about/him (4) wanted/buy/he/to/books/a few (5) is/an/known/Jaipur/Pink City. (6) in the/are/building/city/in pink colour/ painted/most of the (7) have made / a popular / it / its / historical buildings / destination/ tourist. (8) go there / one / bus / from Delhi / can easily / by (9) wear / these / people / a majority / of / days / a watch (10) time / it / in / measures / seconds / and / hours / minutes (11) shapes / different / a wristwatch / sizes / and / is available /it (12) like / digital / while / prefer / wristwatches / mechanical ones / others / some people (13) easy/very/it/to open/it/was (14) to sleep/night/decided/every/they/a hotel/in (15) quickly/very/the clothes/they/and food/packed. (16) the/problem/bags/heavy/in carrying/ had/they Answers (1) One day ...