12th English Core Syllabus CBSE 2024-25
SYLLABUS FOR XII ENGLISH ENGLISH (Subject Code 301) Prescribed Books: a) Flamingo : English Reader (NCERT) b) Vistas : Supplementary Reader (NCERT) c)Sample paper( Any Modern Publishers) APRIL - FLAMINGO: Ch-1 : The Last Lesson By Alphonse Doudet Ch-2 : Lost Spring by Anees Jung Poem- 1 : My Mother at Sixty Six by Kamala Das. Section- B Writing Skills- Article/Notice Section A Reading Skills- Comprehension One unseen passage to assess comprehension, interpretation and inference. Vocabulary and inference of meaning will also be assessed. The passage may be factual, descriptive or literary. MAY Vistas :- Ch-1 : The Third Level by Jack Finney Ch-2 : The Tiger King by Kalki Poem-3 Keeping Quiet by Pablo Neruda Writing Skills : Notice / Report writing Revision of May Unit Test - 1 = 50 Marks ASSESSMENT OF SPEAKING AND LISTENING (ASL) JUNE FLAMINGO: Ch-3 : Deep Water by William Douglas Vist...