12th Eng.CLASS TEST -25M Ch-3 A Journey To The End Of The Earth NCERT BASED Notes
Class Test Ch-3 A Journey To The End Of The Earth Sub- English MM- 25 Time Zero Period Class 12 Q1.Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: A)The Shokalskiy had managed to wedge herself into a thick white stretch of ice between the peninsula and Tadpole Island which was preventing us from going any further. The Captain decided we were going to turn around and head back north, but before we did, we were all instructed to climb down the gangplank and walk on the ocean. So there we were, all 52 of us, kitted out in Gore-Tex and glares, walking on a stark whiteness that seemed to spread out forever. Underneath our feet was a metre-thick ice pack, and underneath that, 180 metres of living, breathing, salt water. 1x6=6 1. How many students were part of the ‘Students on Ice’ Programme? A 52 B 54 C 56 D 58 2. What did the captain instruct to the students? A To go and swim B To collect the water C To climb down...