
Showing posts with the label 11th ENG Ch-3 Discovering Tut

11th ENG Ch-3 Discovering Tut Saga Continues, Annotations/vocabulary

Ch.3 Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues by A.R. Williams      ANNOTATIONS 1-Saga- a long story ( लम्बी कहानी) 2-Speculated- formed an opinion ( अनुमान लगाया) 3-Precise- exact ( सही) 4-Forensic- scientific test to find out crime  ( अपराध की जांच) 5-Pharaoh- ruler of Egypt ( शासक) 6-Stirred up- aroused a strong feeling ( तेजी से उठना) 7-Cemetery- a place where dead bodies are buried( कब्रिस्तान) 8-Casket grey- grey as coffin  9-Glided- moved smoothly and easily ( धीरे से चलना) 10-Probe- examine ( जांच पड़ताल) 11-Scudded across-move fast across the sky due to wind  ( हवा के सहारे तेजी से दौड़ना) 12-Pondering- thinking ( सोचना) 13-Futile-meaningless ( निरर्थक) 14-Cramped- confined ( सीमित/ सकरी) 15-Archaeologist- one who conduct scientific study of ancient things ( पुरातत्व की खोज) 16-Antiquity- old things ( पुरातत्व) 17-Artefacts -made by human skills ( मानव हस्तकला) 18-Resurrection- rising from death ( पुनर्जीवित होना) 19-Ransacked-; searched ( तलाशी/लू...