11th ENG Ch-3 Discovering Tut Saga Continues, Annotations/vocabulary
Ch.3 Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues by A.R. Williams
1-Saga- a long story ( लम्बी कहानी)
2-Speculated- formed an opinion (अनुमान लगाया)
3-Precise- exact (सही)
4-Forensic- scientific test to find out crime (अपराध की जांच)
5-Pharaoh- ruler of Egypt (शासक)
6-Stirred up- aroused a strong feeling (तेजी से उठना)
7-Cemetery- a place where dead bodies are buried( कब्रिस्तान)
8-Casket grey- grey as coffin
9-Glided- moved smoothly and easily (धीरे से चलना)
10-Probe- examine (जांच पड़ताल)
11-Scudded across-move fast across the sky due to wind (हवा के सहारे तेजी से दौड़ना)
12-Pondering- thinking (सोचना)
13-Futile-meaningless (निरर्थक)
14-Cramped- confined (सीमित/ सकरी)
15-Archaeologist- one who conduct scientific study of ancient things (पुरातत्व की खोज)
16-Antiquity- old things (पुरातत्व)
17-Artefacts -made by human skills (मानव हस्तकला)
18-Resurrection- rising from death (पुनर्जीवित होना)
19-Ransacked-; searched (तलाशी/लूटना)
20-Shroud- coffin (कफन)
21-Resins- sticky substance (सीमेंट जैसा)
22-Legitimate- legal,proper (उचित)
23-Budged-made the slightest movement (थोड़ी सी हलचल)
24-Chisel- to cut (काटना)
25-Circumvent-avoid (बचाकर/ अनदेखा करना )
26-Ripped apart- tore away (तोड़ कर ले जाना)
27-Lavished with-given generously
28-Inlaid-laid inside (जड़ दिया गया था)
29-Detachment-disconnected (अलग करना)
30-Amulet- jewellery worn to remove evils (ताबीज)
31-Iconic- image (मूर्तियां)
32-Sheaths- protective structure (आवरण)
33-Severed-seperated (अलग कर दिया)
34-Intriguing- very interesting (रहस्यमई)
35-Sophisticated- refined( साफ-सुथरी)
36-Anatomy- science of body (मानव शरीर अध्ययन)
37-Death rattle- end of dynasty( शासन का अंत)
38-Eccentric-wacky (सनकी)
39-Initiated- started (शुरू कर दिया)
40-Intricate- complicated (जटिल)
41-Sprinted- ran in full speed (तेजी से)
42-Eerie- excited fear (अजीब सा डर)
43-Radiology- study of radio activity
44-Mural- painting on the wall (दीवार पर पेंटिंग)
45-Pall bearers- helping to carry coffin to funeral (कफन ले जाने वाले)
46-Scattering- dispersing (बिखरे हुए)
47-Pixel- minutes unit (समय की इकाई)
48-Vertebrae- joint of back bone (जोड़)
49-Lingering- remaining unsolved
50-Peered- looked at (देखा)
51-Blazing- scorching (तपती हुई गर्मी)
52-Consolidated- solidify (कठोर बन जाना)
53-Adornment- decorative (श्रृंगार)
54-Tomography- x- ray device ( एक्स-रे संबंधी)
55-Oversaw- examine (निगरानी)
56-Restoration- re established (पुनर्स्थापित करना)
57-Reigned- ruled( शासन किया)
58-Winged goddess-;angels (परियां)
59-Ramp- sloppy (ढलान)
60-Swirls- move round (गोल गोल घूमना)
61-Stunning- surprising (हैरान कर देने वाली)
62-Padding- fill out (भराव)
63-Intervening- lying between (पड़े रहना)
64-Aftermath- what followed thereafter (बाद में)
65-Site- location स्थान
66-Inventory- preparing a details (सूची तैयार करना)
67-Tilted- bent झुकना
68-Transaction- a part (हिस्सा)
69-Constellation- group of stars (तारामंडल)
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Ch-3 Discovering Tut, Message Characters, Summary
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