
Showing posts with the label 12th Eng Core Ch-5 Indigo MCQS Multiple Choice Questions

12th Eng Core Ch-5 Indigo MCQS Multiple Choice Questions, NCERT Based

Ch-5 Indigo  Class 12 English Flamingo Indigo Ch- 5 Multiple Choice Questions     1 . Who is the author of Indigo? A) Louis Fischer B) Leo Tolstoy C) Mark Twain D) Charles Dickens 2. Where was the author born? A) in Philadelphia. B) In Yugoslavia C) In Scotland D) None 3. When did the author serve in the British army? A) 1918 – 1920 B) 1909 – 1910 C) 1912-1913 D) 1900-1902 4. Which University was the author a member of? A) Harvard University B) Princeton University C) University of Columbia D) Oxford University 5. Indigo is an excerpt from which book of the author? A) Men and Politics B) Life of Lenin C) The Life of Mahatma Gandhi. D) None 6. What is the message conveyed in the lesson Indigo? A) Efficient lawyers B) Speak aloud C) Wise and courageous leadership can resolve any problem. D) None 7. Why did M.K. Gandhi fight in Champaran? A) To secure justice for the oppressed B) To get popularity C) To show power D) To boast of his intelligence 8. What does Gandhi’s fight i...