X.Eng. Dust Of Snow Brief Summary/Central Idea/Theme/Message
Poem -1 Dust of Snow by Robert Frost Theme/ Central Idea/ Message Dust of Snow is a beautiful poem of nature by Robert Frost.The poet is standing under a hemlock tree. He is in sad mood .He thinks that his day has been lost. just then a crow shakes the hemlock tree and the Dust of snow falls on him. This soft and cold touch of snow changes the poets mood from sad to happy.He is fully purified and refreshed. Due Dust of snow his negativity has been replaced with positive thinking. The poem Dust And Snow conveys the message that nothing in life is small. Even a small things can bring positive changes in our life. if we take small things positively in life, situations do change for better. Same as one can remove sadness from one's heart. Du st Of Snow by Robert Frost Annotations 1-Shook- Trembled something 2-Dust Of Snow - small particles of snow 3-Hemlock tr...