
Showing posts with the label 11th Eng Core Revision Test - Questions Paper Mid Term 2024-25

11th Eng Core. Revision Test - Questions Paper Mid Term Sep. 2024-25

MR CITI PUBLIC SCHOOL , BALACHAUR  FINAL -TERM EXAMINATION 2023-24 ENGLISH - XI                  Set-1   MM: 80      Time Allotted : 3 hours                         General Instructions:  1)Attempt all the questions  2)Read the  questions carefully and put correct question number  3)There are Three sections in the questions paper  4)Each section is divided into A,B,C, SECTION -A READING SKILLS (26M) SECTION A-READING SKILLS 1. Read the following text.(10) 1. This is the largest Malay house on the peninsula. It is built of wood painted green and white, with bold floral designs on a white background around some of the circular windows and a very large porch for followers to wait in, up a ladder of course.               2. Really the upper...