
Showing posts with the label 12th Eng Ch-5 INDIGO

12th Eng Ch-5 INDIGO, Vocabulary Annotations, NCERT Based

Chapter -5   INDIGO by LOUIS FISCHER ANNOTATIONS             1- Convention- agreement समझौता 2-Delegates- Representatives प्रतिनिधियों 3-Peasant- small farmer किसान 4-Emaciated- thin'lean दुर्बल 5-Champaran -A place in Bihar चंपारण …………. 6-Resolute-determined- दृढ़ 7-Committed -dedicated प्रतिबद्ध 8-prop -support सहारा 9-Haunches -thighs जमीन पर बैठना 10-Boarded -get on, enter चढ़ना 11-Pestered -bother, harass कष्ट देना 12-Permitted -allowed अनुमति है 13-Imparting -pass on, giving प्रदान 14-Extraordinary-exceptional, remarkable असाधारण 15-Harbour- here, entertain शरण देना 16-Sympathy -support, pity सहानुभूति 17-Advocate- supporter, protector समर्थक ,  18-Advent- arrival आगमन 19-Conveyance-transportation वाहन 20-Chided-criticize, scold डांटना 21-Conclusion -result, end of something निष्कर्ष 22-Fear stricken-afraid भयाकुल 23-Arable...