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The Little Girl.. Beehive Class Test-25 M strictly NCERT/CBSE BASED

Class Test Ch-3  The Little Girl.. Katherine Mansfield  MM- 25           Time Zero Period  Class 9th      Sub- English  Class Test       Q1. Read the extract and answer the following questions A.On the bed-table she discovered a great many sheets of fine paper, gathered them up, tore them into tiny pieces, and stuffed her case, then sewed up the fourth side. That night there was a hue and cry in the house. Father's great speech for the Port Authority had been lost . ( a) What did Kezia find on the bed table? (i) Many sheets of paper (ii) Many different coloured glaze paper (iii) Many crayons (iv) Some money (b) What did she do to them? (i) She threw them outside. (ii) She gave them to her father. (iii) She tore them and stuffed them into the pin-cushion. (iv) She picked them and kept them in the cupboard. ( c) 'Hue and cry' means……… .. ( d) Father's great speech for the Port Authority had been...