
Showing posts with the label 12th Eng CBSE MCQS Ch-2 LOST SPRING Flamingo

12th Eng CBSE MCQS Ch-2 LOST SPRING Flamingo,

Ch-2 MCQS Q1- Who is the author of Lost Spring? A) James Bond B) Arundhati Roy C) Sudha Murthy D) Anees Jung Q2- This story is an excerpt from which book of the author? A) Lost Spring – Stories of Stolen Childhood B) Unveiling India C) Breaking the Silence D) The Song of India   Q3- What does the author analyze in the story? A)Rich people B) Garbage C) Poor children and their exploitation D) Her works   Q4- What is the central theme of the story Lost Spring? A) Pitiable Poor children and their lost childhood B) Garbage C) Saheb and Mukesh D) Spring Season   Q5- What forces the children to live a life of exploitation? A) Greed B) Extreme Poverty C) Peers D) Parents   Q6- According to the author what was garbage for the parents? A) Means of entertainment B) Means of joy C) Means of sorrow D) Means of survival   Q7- According to the author what was garbage for the children ? A) Means of entertainment B) Means of timepass C) Means of playing D) A wonder   Q8- W...