9th Eng.Ch-3 Ishwaran The Story Teller, Annotations/vocabulary
Ch-3 ISHWARAN THE STORY TELLER ANNOTATIONS 1- Supervisor- person who direct and observe 2-ill equipped -without basic facilities 3-Makeshift- temporary 4-Quarry- mine 5-Weave out - make 6- Anecdotes - stories 7- ingredients - material to be used 8- Miraculously - like miracle 9-Conjure up - do something with magic 10- Leisurely - full of rest 11- Pouring - putting 12-Muttering- speaking in low voice 13-Thriller- that excites 14- in thrall- in control of something 15-Deserted - left alone 16- Enormous -huge 17- Sprawled - spread out 18- inclined - wish to do something 19- Timber - wood for building 20- Hauled - carried 21- Prologue- introductory note 22- Launch- start 23- Tusker - elephant 24- stamping - putting down with force 25- Emulation - doing likewise 26- Outskirts - outer parts of the town 27- Stall - small shops 28-Helter skelter - hurriedly 2...