9th Eng.Ch-3 Ishwaran The Story Teller, Annotations/vocabulary
1- Supervisor- person who direct and observe
2-ill equipped -without basic facilities
3-Makeshift- temporary
4-Quarry- mine
5-Weave out - make
6- Anecdotes - stories
7- ingredients - material to be used
8- Miraculously - like miracle
9-Conjure up - do something with magic
10- Leisurely - full of rest
11- Pouring - putting
12-Muttering- speaking in low voice
13-Thriller- that excites
14- in thrall- in control of something
15-Deserted - left alone
16- Enormous -huge
17- Sprawled - spread out
18- inclined - wish to do something
19- Timber - wood for building
20- Hauled - carried
21- Prologue- introductory note
22- Launch- start
23- Tusker - elephant
24- stamping - putting down with force
25- Emulation - doing likewise
26- Outskirts - outer parts of the town
27- Stall - small shops
28-Helter skelter - hurriedly
29- Grunted- trumpet/ rough noise
30- Depredation - destruction
31- Grabbed - got hold of
32- Cane- stick
33- Menacingly- threateningly
34- Swung- threw
35- Hypnotised - capture the whole attention
36- Mustering - gathering
37- Whacked - struck heavily
38- Mumbling - speaking down
39- Rapt- full,completely
40- Collapsed - fell down
41- Veterinary - related to animal
42- Shrug- raise shoulder
43- Ju Jitsu - Japanese material art form
44- Recounting - telling
45- Credible - which can be believed
46- Spirits- ghosts
47- Culinary skills - cooking skills
48- Garish- showy
49- Jerked out- shook out
50- Reverie - dream
51- Drifted - went into
52- Matted - tangle into messy mass
53- Shrivelled - dried up
54- Foetus - unborn of a mammal
55- Figment - part
56-Sulk- irritating
57- peered - looked
58- Vicinity - surrounding area
59- Guttural - produced in a throat
60- feline- related to cat
Ishwaran The Story Teller
Questions and answers 😂
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