INDIGO Question Answer 12th English
Chapter -5 INDIGO by LOUIS FISCHER Q1.List the places that Gandhi visited between his first meeting with Shukla and his arrival at Champaran. Ans: Gandhi’s first meeting with Shukla was at Lucknow. Then he went to Cawnpore and other parts of India. He returned to his ashram near Ahmedabad. Later he went to Calcutta, Patna and Muzaffarpur before arriving at Champaran. Q2. What did the peasants pay the British landlords as rent? What did the British now want instead and why? What would be the impact of synthetic indigo on the prices of natural indigo? Ans: Indians peasants worked as a sharecroppers on their land. The peasants paid the British landlords indigo as rent. Now Germany had developed synthetic indigo which was good in quality and cheap in price.The price of Indian indigo was falling down.So, the British landlords wanted money as compensation for being released from the 15 per cent arrangement. The prices of natural indigo would go down due to the synthetic Indigo. Q3.Why ...