
Showing posts with the label Theme Message Literary devices

Class 9th Eng. Poem -10 (Beehive)“ A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal” NCERT/CBSE Based Question and answer, Theme Message Literary devices

Poem-10   A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal - William Wordsworth  Introduction of the Poet poet William Wordsworth (April 7, 1770-April 23, 1850) is regarded as one of the most loved Poet in English. He is known for his nature poems. His Lyrical Ballads is regarded as the founding text of Romanticism. His experience during French Revolution, as well life subsequent life spent in France, brought about his interest and sympathy for the life, troubles, and speech of the common man. These issues proved to be of utmost importance to Wordsworth's work. Wordsworth's earliest poetry was published in 1793 in the collections An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches. His most famous work The Prelude is considered to be the crowning achievement of English Romanticism. His famous poems are Solitary Reaper, Daffodils, Tintern Abbey, Nutting and An Ode on the Intimations of Immortality Summary of the Poem This poem is a kind of lamentation on the death of a dear one. In this short poem, Wordswort...

Class 9th Eng. Poem -9 The Snake Trying NCERT/CBSE Based Question and answer, Theme Message Literary devices

Poem-9 The Snake Trying - W. W. E. Ross    Theme The message that the poet wants to convey is that not all snakes are harmful . Humans have this belief that all snakes are dangerous. Also, humans have this tendency to rush to kill a snake as soon as they spot one. The author tries to tell us that such thinking is not good and is harmful to the snake. Message   The poem conveys the message that all creatures of nature are important for maintaining the ecological balance. Even snakes that are generally regarded as ugly and dangerous should not be killed. All animals need to be treated in a kind and sympathetic manner. Snakes only attack when they sense danger to their life. Not all varieties of snakes are dangerous, so they should be left alone. Q1. What is the snake trying to escape from? Ans. The snake is trying to escape from the man carrying a stick to hit him. Q2. Is it a harmful snake? What is its colour? Ans. The snake is not harmful. It is of green colour. Q3. The p...

Class 9th Eng. Poem -9 The Snake Trying NCERT/CBSE Based Question and answer, Theme Message Literary devices

Poem-9 The Snake Trying - W. W. E. Ross      Literary Introduction of the Poet William Wrightson Eustace Ross (June 14, 1894 August 26, 1966) was both a Canadian poet and geophysicist. He was the first poet from Canada who wrote Imagist poetry. His main poetic works are Anthology of Canadian verse, Experiment 1923-29 and Shapes and Sounds. He wrote imagist poetry, and later became the first one in Canada to write surrealist verse. He was called "the first modern Canadian poet." Summary  of the Poem The poet through this short poem wants to sensitise its readers towards animals in general and the snakes in particular. He stresses that a snake is a harmless creature even to small kids. He gives this message by describing a snake escaping from its chaser. A snake was lying on the sandy bank of a pond or stream. It keeps lying there in comfort. But then it is observed by someone. The person chases it with a stick in his hand. The snake tries to save itself from bein...

Class 9th Eng. Poem -8 On Killing A Tree 🌴 NCERT/CBSE Based Question and answer, Theme Message Literary devices

Poem-8 On Killing a Tree by - Gieve Patel Questions and answers   Q1. Can a "simple jab of the knife" kill a tree? Why not? Ans. A simple jab of the knife can't kill a tree as it only causes the oozing of sap. The bark, however, heals and regenerates with the help of the sap. Q2. How has the tree grown to its full size? List the words suggestive of its life and activity. Ans. The tree has grown gradually to its full size by consuming the earth. It has risen out of the earth by feeding upon its crust. It has also absorbed the sunlight, air and water for years. Q3. What is the meaning of 'bleeding bark'? What makes it bleed? Ans. The 'bleeding bark' means the sap oozing out of the bark of the tree caused by heavy blows. Here, the sap oozing out of the bark has been compared to the blood of a living creature. Heavy blows make it bleed. Q4. The poet says 'No' in the beginning of the third stanza. What does he mean by this? Ans. By using 'No', ...