12th Eng Flamingo,My Mother At Sixty Six, Poetic Devices, rhyme scheme, Simile metaphor
POEM-1 Flamingo MY MOTHER AT SIXTY SIX BY KAMALA DAS Poetic device Theme The theme of the poem is 'ageing' which is the law of nature. It also depicts the helplessness and aspirations of the young generation Rhyme scheme - Free Verse,blank verse Tone -pensive and sorrowful. Repetition : Repeated use of ‘looked’use of ‘smile Simile : The colour of the mother’s face has been compared to that of a corpse – ashen. use of ‘like’ (her face ashen like that of a corpse) use of ‘as’ (as a late winter’s moon). imagery : when the poet say trees sprinting, merry children spilling Personification- trees sprinting METAPHOR -Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their homes’ to show the contrary image of her mother’s age and approaching end. Alliteration : It is the repetition of the consonant sounds in a line of a poem. e.g. “my mother”, “that thought”, “I said was, see you soon”. Poem-1 MY MOTHER AT SIXTY SIX Annotations Vocabulary https://english...