
Showing posts with the label Vocabulary/Annotations NCERT Based notes

12th Eng Ch-6 Poet And Pancakes, Vocabulary/Annotations NCERT Based notes

Ch-6 POET And PANCAKES by Ashokamitran ANNOTATIONS/WORD NOTES 1-pancake-brand name of make-up material मेकअप करने का पदार्थ 2-   Robert Clive = British officer, colonial leader ( रॉबर्ट क्लाइव),   3-Stables = horse shelters, equine housing ( अश्वशाला),   4-Residence = home, dwelling (निवास) ,  5-Misery = distress, suffering (दुःख) , 6- Integration = unity, amalgamation ( एकीकरण),   7-Crimson = deep red, vivid red (लाल) , 8- Assistant = helper, aide ( सहायक ), 9- Comedian = humorist, entertainer ( हास्य अभिनेता),  10-Crowd = multitude, assembly ( भीड़ ),  11-Vessel = container, pot (पात्र) 12-Slapping = hitting, striking (थप्पड़ मारना),  13-Pore = tiny opening, hole ( रोमछिद्र), 14- Director = filmmaker, movie maker ( निर्देशक),  15-Poet = writer, verse maker (कवि), 16- Cubicle = small room, enclosure (कमरा) , 1 7- Occupation = job, work ( व्यवसाय),   18- Flop = failure, unsuccessful (असफल) , 19- Loyalty = faithfulness,  ( वफादा...