12th Eng Ch-6 Poet And Pancakes, Vocabulary/Annotations NCERT Based notes
POET And PANCAKES by Ashokamitran
1-pancake-brand name of make-up material मेकअप करने का पदार्थ
2- Robert Clive = British officer, colonial leader (रॉबर्ट क्लाइव),
3-Stables = horse shelters, equine housing (अश्वशाला),
4-Residence = home, dwelling (निवास),
5-Misery = distress, suffering (दुःख),
6-Integration = unity, amalgamation (एकीकरण),
7-Crimson = deep red, vivid red (लाल),
8- Assistant = helper, aide (सहायक),
9-Comedian = humorist, entertainer (हास्य अभिनेता),
10-Crowd = multitude, assembly (भीड़),
11-Vessel = container, pot (पात्र)
12-Slapping = hitting, striking (थप्पड़ मारना),
13-Pore = tiny opening, hole (रोमछिद्र),
14-Director = filmmaker, movie maker (निर्देशक),
15-Poet = writer, verse maker (कवि),
16-Cubicle = small room, enclosure (कमरा),1
7- Occupation = job, work (व्यवसाय),
18-Flop = failure, unsuccessful (असफल),
19- Loyalty = faithfulness, (वफादारी),
20-Principal = main person, leader (मुख्य),
21-Tailor-made = perfectly suited, (सिले हुए जैसा),
22-Inspired = motivated, stimulated (प्रेरित),
23-Producer = maker, creator (निर्माता),
24-Effective = impactful, successful (प्रभावी),
25-Alternatives = options, choices (विकल्प),
26-Frustration = disappointment, dissatisfaction (निराशा),
27- Woes = troubles, sorrows (दुःख),
28-Ignominy = disgrace, shame (अपमान),
29- Encouraging = supportive, positive (प्रेरणादायक),
30- Uncertain = unsure, unpredictable (अनिश्चित),
31-Affluent = wealthy, rich (धनी)
32-Golden years = best times, prime years (स्वर्णिम वर्ष),
33-Identity = self, persona (पहचान),
34-Complex = complicated, intricate (जटिल),
35-Masses = common people, general public (जनता),
36-Overshadowed = dominated, eclipsed (छाया कर देना),
37-Folk = traditional, people’s (लोक),
38-Devadasis = temple dancers, servants of god (देवदासी),
39- Subsidiary = secondary, supporting (सहायक),
40-Genuine = true, real (असली),
41-Residence = home, dwelling (निवास),
42-Charitable = generous, giving (दानी),
43-Enemies = foes, adversaries (दुश्मन),
44-Intimate = close, personal (आत्मीय),
45-Demeanour = behavior, conduct (आचरण),
46-Sycophant’s = flatterer’s, yes-man’s (चापलूस का),
47-Readiness = willingness, eagerness (तत्परता)
48-Comprising – including, containing (शामिल होना),
49-Legal Adviser – counselor, consultant (कानूनी सलाहकार),
50-Temperamental – moody, volatile (स्वभावशील),
51-Incriminating – condemning, damning (अपराधीकरण),
52-Countryside – rural area, village region (ग्रामीण क्षेत्र),
53- Sophistication – refinement, elegance (सुशीलता),
54-Catapulted – launched, thrust (प्रक्षेपित),
55-Oversized – too large, extra big (अधिक बड़ा),
56-Clumsily Tailored – poorly made, ill-fitting (बेढंगा सिला हुआ),
57-Coat of Mail – armored jacket, chainmail (कवच),
58-Logic – reasoning, sense (तर्क), 59-Neutral – impartial, unbiased (तटस्थ),
59-Raw Stock – Unprocessed film, Material (कच्चा माल),
60-Haunt – Regular spot (स्थल),
61-Prohibition – Ban, Restriction (प्रतिबंध),
62-Radiated Leisure – Showed ease, Relaxed (आराम दिखाना),
63-Prerequisite – Requirement, Necessity (आवश्यकता),
64-Appreciation – Understanding, Gratitude (समझ),
65-Averse – Opposed, Against (विरुद्ध),
66-Communism – Socialism, (साम्यवाद),
67-Compunction – Regret, Remorse (पछतावा),
68-Unrest – Disorder, Instability (अशांति),
69-Acquaintance – Knowledge, Familiarity (परिचय),
70- Homilies – Sermons, Moral talks (उपदेश)
71-Impressed = amazed, influenced (प्रभावित),
72- Counter-Movement = opposition, resistance (प्रतिक्रिया),
73-Hues = colors, shades (रंग),
74-Nationalities = citizenships, origins (राष्ट्रीयता),
75-Reception = welcome, greeting (स्वागत),
76-Initiative = first step, beginning (पहल),
77-Surmise = guess, assume (अनुमान),
78- Battling = fighting, struggling (लड़ाई)
79-Peppered = scattered, sprinkled (छिड़का हुआ),
80- Democracy = self-government, rule of people (लोकतंत्र),
81-Dazed = confused, stunned (घबराया हुआ),
82-Audience = listeners, spectators (दर्शक),
83- Accent = pronunciation, dialect (उच्चारण),
84-Bafflement = confusion, puzzlement (भ्रमित),
85-Cultivating = developing, nurturing (विकसित करना)
86-Incongruity = mismatch, inconsistency (अनुरूपता हीनता),
87-Thrills = excitement, exhilaration (रोमांच),
88-Travails = hardships, struggles (कठिनाईयाँ),
89-Prose-Writers = authors, scribes (लेखक),
90-Genius = brilliance, intelligence (प्रतिभा),
91- Persevering = enduring, persisting (दृढ़ संकल्पी),
92-Rejection Slips = denial notices, refusal letters (अस्वीकृति पत्र) ,
93-Manuscript = draft, script (हस्तलिखित प्रति),
94- Contest = competition, challenge (प्रतियोगिता),
95-Periodical = magazine, journal (सामयिक पत्रिका),
96- Literati = scholars, intellectuals (विद्वान)
97- Envelope = covering, wrapper (लिफ़ाफ़ा),
98-Reduced Price = discounted cost, (घटित मूल्य),
99-Elegant = graceful, stylish (सुंदर),
100-Revolution = uprising, rebellion (क्रांति),
101-Eminent = distinguished, renowned (प्रसिद्ध),
102-Tremendous = enormous, huge (विशाल)
103- Dark Chamber = shadowy room, gloomy space (अंधकारमय कमरा),
104-Hazy = unclear, foggy (धुंधला),
105-Illumination = light, brightness (प्रकाश),
106- Incandescent -bright
107- Diction - style of writing
108- Potion - drink with medicinal effect
109- Hierarchy - graded order
110- Barge into - move into प्रवेश करना
111- Dwarf- make small छोटा करना
112- Refrain -poem कविता
113- Deftly - skillfully कुशलता पूर्वक
114- Etched - described वर्णन किया गया
115- improvident - thrifty बेपरवाह
116-Tirade- violent speech निंदात्मक भाषण
117- Direst - most horrible भयंकर
118-Filial- pertaining daughter/son भाई बहन से
119- Conjugal - Married शादीशुदा
120- Radiated -reflected
121- persistent - Constant
Poetic and Pancakes
Questions and answers
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