The Snake And The Mirror Vocabulary Annotations,9th Eng NCERT Based
Ch-5 The Snake And The Mirror - Vaikom Muhammad Baseer 1-Coiled = , wrapped (लपेटना) ; 2- Full-blooded = frightening, (डरावना) ; 3- Meagre = small, scant ( बहुत कम) ; 4- Possessed = had, owned ( रखता था); 5-Solitary = only, single ( एक मात्र अकेला); 6-Vest = under garment, undershirt ( बनियान ); 7- Facing = in front of, opposite ( के सामने); 8- Yard = open space at the front or back of the house, garden (आंगन) ; 9- Gable = three-cornered part of a wall below the sloping roof, roof-end ( ढलान वाली छत के नीचे तीन कोनों वाली दीवार का भाग); 10-Beam = rafter, joist ( शहतीर ). 11- Taken time off = on leave, break ( छुट्टी पर); 12-Beneath = under, below ( नीचे ); 13-Tempted = inclined, drawn to ( प्रेरित हुआ ); 14-Admirer = one who praises, fan (प्रशंसक); 15- Parting = division, hair split ( भाग); 16- Earth-shaking = , significant (महत्वपूर्ण) ; 17-Plenty = much, a lot ( काफी ); 18-Valid = proper, legitimate (उच...