The Snake And The Mirror Vocabulary Annotations,9th Eng NCERT Based

Ch-5 The Snake And The Mirror - Vaikom Muhammad Baseer

1-Coiled = , wrapped (लपेटना)

2-Full-blooded = frightening,  (डरावना)

3-Meagre = small, scant (बहुत कम)


4-Possessed = had, owned (रखता था); 

5-Solitary = only, single (एक मात्र अकेला); 

6-Vest = under garment, undershirt (बनियान);

7- Facing = in front of, opposite (के सामने);

8- Yard = open space at the front or back of the house, garden (आंगन);

9-Gable = three-cornered part of a wall below the sloping roof, roof-end (ढलान वाली छत के नीचे तीन कोनों वाली दीवार का भाग); 

10-Beam = rafter, joist (शहतीर).

11-Taken time off = on leave, break (छुट्टी पर); 

12-Beneath = under, below (नीचे); 

13-Tempted = inclined, drawn to (प्रेरित हुआ); 

14-Admirer = one who praises, fan (प्रशंसक);

 15- Parting = division, hair split (भाग);

16- Earth-shaking = , significant (महत्वपूर्ण)

17-Plenty = much, a lot (काफी); 

18-Valid = proper, legitimate (उचित); 19-Silly = foolish, (मूर्ख)

20-Resumed =, continued (फिर से लिया); 

21-Dull thud = heavy sound,  (भारी आवाज़).

22-Wriggled = moved with twisting motions, squirmed (बलखाते हुए); 23-Landed = arrived,  (उतरना); 

24-Simultaneous = happening at the same time,  (समकालिक); 

25-Tremble = shake, quiver (कांपना);

26-Slithered = moved smoothly and quickly, glide (सरकते हुए चलना);

27- Hood = protective covering (of snake) (फन);

 28- Leaden = heavy like lead, weighty (सीसे जैसा); 

29-Molten = melted,  (पिघला हुआ); 

30-Crushing =  compressing (कुचलना)

31-Drained = emptied, exhausted (निकासना); 

32-Lurked = waited secretly,  (छिपे रहना);

33- Feebly = weakly,  (कमजोरी से); 

34-Reflection = image produced by reflecting mirror  image (परावर्तित प्रतिबिंब); 

35- Mascara = , eye makeup (मास्कारा); 

36-Vermilion = bright red, cinnabar (सिंदूर);

37- Unwound = untwisted, released (खोल दिया); 

38-Lap = the upper part of the legs when sitting, thigh area (गोद)

 39-Phew = exclamation of relief, sigh (अब अच्छा हुआ!); 

40-Sigh of relief = breath showing relief,  (राहत की सांस);

41-Sprinter = a person who runs short distances at high speed, racer (दौड़नेवाला).

42- Smeared oil = applied oil, rubbed oil on oneself (तेल लगाना); 

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