
Showing posts with the label Vocabulary and Poetic Devices 12th Eng

A Thing Of Beauty -P-3 Vocabulary Annotations/ XII Eng Poetic Devices

Poem-3 A Thing Of Beauty by John Keats  Annotations/ Vocabulary  1-Joy = happiness, delight (आनंद), 2- Loveliness = beauty, attractiveness ( सुंदरता), 3- Bower = a pleasant shady place under trees  (आश्रय), 4- Morrow = the next day, tomorrow (अगला दिन),  5-Wreathing = creating, forming (बनाना),  6-Flowery Band =  garland of flowers (फूलों की माला), 7- Bind = tie, attach ( बांधना) 8-Despondence = despair, sorrows and sufferings (निराशा), 9- Dearth = lack, scarcity ( कमी), 10- Gloomy = dark, dismal (उदास), 11- Pall = cover, shroud (आवरण), 12- Boon = blessing (वरदान)    13-Sheep = farm animal, innocent ( भेड़), 14- Rills = small streams, brooks (छोटी नदियाँ), 15- Covert = shelter, hiding place (छुपाना), 16- Gainst = against,  (के खिलाफ), 17-Season = time period, weather ( मौसम),  18-Brake = thicket, bush (झाड़ियाँ), 19- Grandeur = greatness, magnificence (शान),  20-Dooms = fates, destinies (किस्मतें), 21- Tales = stories, narrat...