A Thing Of Beauty -P-3 Vocabulary Annotations/ XII Eng Poetic Devices
Poem-3 A Thing Of Beauty by John Keats
Annotations/ Vocabulary
1-Joy = happiness, delight (आनंद),
2-Loveliness = beauty, attractiveness (सुंदरता),
3- Bower = a pleasant shady place under trees (आश्रय),
4- Morrow = the next day, tomorrow (अगला दिन),
5-Wreathing = creating, forming (बनाना),
6-Flowery Band = garland of flowers (फूलों की माला),
7- Bind = tie, attach (बांधना)
8-Despondence = despair, sorrows and sufferings (निराशा),
9- Dearth = lack, scarcity (कमी),
10-Gloomy = dark, dismal (उदास),
11-Pall = cover, shroud (आवरण),
12-Boon = blessing (वरदान)
13-Sheep = farm animal, innocent (भेड़),
14- Rills = small streams, brooks (छोटी नदियाँ),
15- Covert = shelter, hiding place (छुपाना),
16- Gainst = against, (के खिलाफ),
17-Season = time period, weather (मौसम),
18-Brake = thicket, bush (झाड़ियाँ),
19-Grandeur = greatness, magnificence (शान),
20-Dooms = fates, destinies (किस्मतें),
21-Tales = stories, narratives (कहानियाँ),
22-Pouring = flowing, streaming (बहाना)
23- inhuman-lacking human qualities of compassion and mercy
24-musk-rose-white flowers having a musky odor
25-immortal- living forever
Poetic devices
1-Alliteration: Use of consonant sound at the start of two words which are close in series (Sleep-Sweet)
Use of consonant sound at the start of two words which are close in series
(‘b’ in Band Bind,
‘n’ in Noble nature,
‘s’ in some shape).
Use of consonant sound at the start of two words which are close in series
(‘h’ in have heard)
Use of consonant sound at the start of two words which are close in series
(‘s’ in Sprouting Shady, Simple sheep,
‘c’ in cooling covert)
2. Anaphora: Use of same word in two consecutive lines
(Of noble natures-
Of all the unhealthy)
3. Antithesis: opposite words placed together (old and young)
4. Metaphor: Immortal drinks ( beautiful objects of nature are forever like a never ending portion of a drink)
wreathing a flowery band (the beautiful things of our life bind us to the earth)
bower Quiet (calmness of the bower is compared to the calming effect of a beautiful thing)
5. Inversion: normal order of words is reversed ( Are we wreathing a flowery band)
6. Imagery: Bushes full of musk roses (sprinkling of fair musk rose blooms), books describing valor of fighters (grandeur-..mighty dead), god providing us with best things (pouring from the heaven’s brink)
Trees giving shade (sprouting shady boon), growing process of daffodils (daffodils with the green world they live in), Clean river streams (Clear rills)
creating a sensory effect of beautiful things lined up in a string ( A flowery band to bind us)
7. Rhyme scheme: aabbc (forever, never, keep, sleep, breathing)
8. Rhyme: Rhyme scheme is used in every stanza of the poem (forever; never, keep; sleep, dead; read etc.)
9- Oxymoron -The poetic device 'oxymoron' is used in the phrase 'mighty dead'.
A Thing Of Beauty
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