
Showing posts with the label L.P. XII ENGLISH. Ch-1 The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet Flamingo

L.P. XII ENGLISH. Ch-1 The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet Flamingo, With Introduction, Development, Summation Outcomes, Methodology, Evaluation strategy, session -2024-25

E- LESSON PLAN FOR-XII ENG.          SESSION - 2023-24 CLASS -XII.               Date-04/04/024 Subject- English.        No of Period: 6 Topic. The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet  Date of Commencement: .4th April.2024                 Expected date of Completion: 11th April 2024. A-LIFE SKILLS - To develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, self-awareness *critical thinking, Understanding value, Emotional thinking, decision Making  B-Sub-Topic - concepts of Title Writer's biography  Annotation *Vocabulary *Phrase and clause *Paraphrasing of topic   *summary/ theme/central idea Literary devices/ irony  C-Evaluation Strategies- 1. Oral questioning and discussion 2. Activity, discussion followed by written work 3. Summarize all the steps in a flow chart. 4. Activity, bas...