Ch-4 9th Eng In The Kingdom Of Fools Extract Fully Solved
Ch-4 IN The Kingdom Of Fools by AK Ramanujan Extract 1 Passages for Comprehension But that was because my mind was not on it. I remember very well a dancing girl who was going up and down that street all day with her anklets jingling, and i couldn't keep my eyes or my mind on the wall I was building. ( a) The speaker of these lines is……… (b) Who is the speaker speaking to? (i) The king (ii) The guru (iii) The disciple (iv) The merchant (c) The speaker couldn't keep his eyes or his mind on the wall he was building because (d) The speaker was punished for the wall he had built.( True/ False) Extract 2 …. he could see far, and he could see the future as he could see the present and the past. He arrived at once to save his disciple, who had got himself into such a scrape through love of food. ( a) Who does he refer to? (i) The king (ii) The minister (iii)The guru (iv) The merchant (b) The disciple had been caught by the king's men to be executed in the place o...