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Poets And Pancakes MCQS Multiple Choice Questions NCERT BASED notes Flamingo

Class 12 English Flamingo Poets and Pancakes Chapter 6 Multiple Choice Questions 1. Name the author of Poets and Pancakes? A) Asokamitran (1931), a Tamil writer B) Charu Nivedita C) Jayakanthan D) Balakumaran 2. What does his book “My Years with Boss” talk of? A) his job B) explain the nature of his boss C) explains his environment D) impact of movies on every aspect of life in India. 3. When was Gemini studio set up? A) 1920 B) 1930 C) 1910 D) 1940 4. What was the brand name of the make-up material that Gemini studio bought? A) Pancake B) Mancake C) Fancake D) latincake 5. What does the expression ‘made to look ugly’ refer to? A) make up done to look presentable before camera B) faces made by actors C) faces made by office boy D) arrangements in the make-up room 6. What was Asokamitran’s job in the studio? A) to arrange pancakes B) to arrange make up kits C) to serve water D) cut out newspaper clippings on a wide variety of subjects and store them in files. 7. What has Aso...