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12th Eng.A Roadside Stand by Robert Frost ,, Fully Solved Extracts

Poem-5  A Roadside Stand  Robert Frost   Extract -1 Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: It is in the news that all these pitiful kin Are to be bought out and mercifully gathered in To live in villages, next to the theatre and the store, Where they won't have to think for themselves anymore, (a) Whom does 'these pitiful kin' refer to? (i) The rich people of the city (ii) The politicians (iii) The poor village folk (iv) None of the above (b) What promise is made to these villagers? (i) Their children will be given admission to government schools (ii) Their living conditions will be improved (iii) The rich people will donate money to them (iv) None of the above (c) State whether the given statement is True or False. The poet's name is Robert Frost. (d) A synonym of 'gathered' is—--- (e) What is the rhyme scheme of the stanza? (f) Which part of speech does 'mercifully' belong to?  Extract -2 Here far from the city we make our ...