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CLASS TEST-25 Marks Long Test,

Class 11.                 Sub- English.          Ch-2 The Address       MM-25.  Time - Zero Period                          Q1. Read the extracts and Answer the following questions given below  A.After my first visit in vain to Mrs Dorling’s house I decided to try a second time. Now a girl of about fifteen opened the door to me. I asked her if her mother was at home. ‘No’ she said, ‘my mother’s doing an errand. ‘No matter, I said, ‘I’ll wait for her.’ followed the girl along the passage. An old-fashioned iron Hanukkah candle- holder hung next to a mirror. 1 Who opened the door for the second time? A) Mrs. Dorling’s daughter B) Mrs. Dorling’s husband C) Mrs. Dorling’s mother D) Mrs. Dorling 2 What does the word ‘Errand’ mean? A) To bathe B) To eat out C) To go out for regular works D) To sit out 3 Find out the synonym of ‘Old-fashioned...