CLASS TEST-25 Marks Long Test,

Class 11.                 Sub- English.          Ch-2 The Address       MM-25.  Time - Zero Period                          Q1. Read the extracts and Answer the following questions given below 

A.After my first visit in vain to Mrs Dorling’s house I decided to try a second time. Now a girl of about fifteen opened the door to me. I asked her if her mother was at home. ‘No’ she said, ‘my mother’s doing an errand. ‘No matter, I said, ‘I’ll wait for her.’ followed the girl along the passage. An old-fashioned iron Hanukkah candle- holder hung next to a mirror.

1 Who opened the door for the second time?
A) Mrs. Dorling’s daughter
B) Mrs. Dorling’s husband
C) Mrs. Dorling’s mother
D) Mrs. Dorling
2 What does the word ‘Errand’ mean?
A) To bathe
B) To eat out
C) To go out for regular works
D) To sit out
3 Find out the synonym of ‘Old-fashioned’ from the following?
A) Mint
B) Obsolete
C) Modern
D) Replicated
4 Who was the real owner of the Hanukkah hung over there?
A) Mrs. Dorling
B) Mrs. S
C) Mrs. Dorling daughter
D) None of these

Q2.Answer any five of the following questions 2x5=10

A)The Address’ is a story of human predicament that follows war. Comment.

B.Why did the boys return the horse to its rightful owner? C Why did Mrs Dorling refuse to entertain the narrator? D.The story devided into Pre-war and post wanr time, What hardshih do you think the girl Underwent during these times. What lesson do we learn from such hazardous experiences when we are face to face with death?

E.What do you know about narrator's tribe ?

Q4. Answer any One Of the following questions 1x5=5

You are Principal, R.S.D. Senior Secondary School, Sirsa. You want a qualified librarian for your school. Draft an advertisement for a daily inviting applications for the post of a librarian in your school.


Design a poster that warns against the consumption of alcoholic beverages by showcasing the risks associated with alcohol use. Your design should align with the theme given to you.


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