12th Eng Ch-5 INDIGO, Vocabulary Annotations, NCERT Based

Chapter -5 




1-Convention- agreement समझौता

2-Delegates- Representativesप्रतिनिधियों

3-Peasant- small farmer किसान

4-Emaciated- thin'lean दुर्बल

5-Champaran -A place in Bihar चंपारण ………….


7-Committed -dedicated प्रतिबद्ध

8-prop -support सहारा

9-Haunches -thighs जमीन पर बैठना

10-Boarded -get on, enter चढ़ना

11-Pestered -bother, harass कष्ट देना

12-Permitted -allowed अनुमति है

13-Imparting -pass on, giving प्रदान

14-Extraordinary-exceptional, remarkable असाधारण

15-Harbour- here, entertain शरण देना

16-Sympathy -support, pity सहानुभूति

17-Advocate- supporter, protector समर्थक

18-Advent- arrival आगमन

19-Conveyance-transportation वाहन

20-Chided-criticize, scold डांटना 21-Conclusion -result, end of something निष्कर्ष

22-Fear stricken-afraid भयाकुल

23-Arable--land suitable for farming कृषि योग्य

24-Tenants--occupants paying rent in cash or kind किरायेदारों

25-Estate--property जायदाद

26-Compelled- forced मजबूर

27-Surrendered--to give in आत्मसमर्पण कर दिया

28-Contract-- agreement अनुबंध

29-Indigo--plant that produces a blue color नील

30-Learned--come to know सीखा 31-Synthetic-- Chemical based, artificial कृत्रिम

32-Compensation--payments मुआवजा 33-Arrangement--Process व्यवस्था

34-Irksome--irritating कष्टप्रद .

35-Resisted--opposed, विरोध

36-Thugs--cheats ठग

37-Illiterate--uneducated अनपढ़

38-Proceeded--begin a course of action बढ़ती करना

39-Bully--trying to harm others तंग करना

40-Forthwith--immediately, at once तुरंत

41-Accompanied--go along with someone साथ

42-Multitude-- a large number of people भीड़ .

43-Investigations---inquiries जांच

44-Maltreated--ill treat दुर्व्यवहार करना 45-Superintendent--Manager, supervisor प्रबंधक

46-Overtook-- went ahead of him आगे निकल जाना

47-Complied-- followed or obeyed अनुपालन

48-Consequence--result परिणाम

49-Influential-powerful प्रभावशाली

50-Wired--Telegraphedतार देना

51-Merely-- only केवल

52-Authorities--officials, power प्राधिकारी

53-Spontaneous--voluntary, unforced स्वाभाविक

54-Demonstrations---protest प्रदर्शनों 55-Courthouse--court building अदालत

56 -Liberation--release मुक्ति

57-Concrete-- solid ठोस

58-Hitherto--Earlier, Previously अब तक

59-Dreaded-regarded with great fear or apprehension खूंखार

60-Unquestioned--not examined or inquired into निर्विवाद  

61-Baffled--confused विस्मित कर

62-Self Reliance--self sufficiency, self support आत्मनिर्भरता

63-Postpone-- delay स्थगित करना 64-Apparently --seemingly, evidently जाहिर तौर पर

65-Guilty--at fault दोषी

66-Conflict-- to be against someone टकराव

67-Humanitarian--Concerned with human welfare मानवीय

68-Conscience--sense of right and wrong अंतःकरण

69-Magistrate--civil officer who administers law मजिस्ट्रेट

70-Pronounce--declare or announce निर्णय सुनाना

71--recess--break अवकाश

72-Reconvened--to start again after a small break फिर इकट्ठा हुआ

73-Liberty--- free स्वतंत्रता

74-Vehemently-in an intense manner आवेगपूर्ण

75-Conferred-- granted प्रदत्त 76-Injustice--- unfairness अन्याय

77-Withdrew-- left हट जाना

78-Upshot---- result, conclusion परिणाम

79-Consultations---discussion विचार-विमर्श

80-Desertion-- action of leaving a place, organization etc परित्याग

81-Lieutenant Governor: deputy governor लेफ्टिनेंट

82-Province--- region, territory भूमिखंड

83-Civil Disobedience--peaceful form of political protest सविनय अवज्ञा

84-Triumphed--won विजय

85-Grievances --complaints शिकायत 86-Depositions---a formal written statement बयान

87-Evidence--- proof सबूत

88-Pacifist----- Peace maker शांतिवादी

89-Investigators---the inspectors जांचकर्ता

90-Vehement---showing strong feeling; जोशीला

91-Leading--- prominent, popular प्रमुख

92-Associates --supporters सहयोगी 93-Protracted --lasting for a long time फैला हुआ

94-Abstractions--something which exists only as an idea कपोल-कल्पना

95-Initial--at the start प्रारंभिक

96-Uninterrupted--continuous निरंतर

97-Entreaty---an earnest or humble request विनती

98-Assembled --gathered इकट्ठे 99-Deceitfully--dishonestly छल से 100-Extorted-- took forcibly जबरन वसूली

101-Adamant--firm अटल

102-Amazement--surprise विस्मय

103-Obliged--- required, made legally bound to do something आभारी

104-Deadlock--a situation in which no progress can be made गतिरोध

105-Unanimously---without opposition सर्वसम्मति से

106-Prestige--honour, esteem प्रतिष्ठा

107-Defenders --protector रक्षक

108-Justified---marked by a good उचित

109-Intertwined---knitted गुंथा 110-Alleviate-- uplift कम करना 111-Reverted-- returned वापस लाया गया

112-Contented --satisfied संतुष्ट

113-Residents--locals निवासी

114-Volunteer--a person who offers his service free of cost स्वयंसेवक

Ch-5 Indigo Questions and answers 





           By C L GAUTAM

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